The Grand Paradise Hotel

January 2019


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Jan. 27th, 2019



WHO: Leila & Ash
WHEN: Evening of day 2
WHERE: Hotel bar
SUMMARY: drinking and talking about the ones they’ve lost
WARNINGS: language, angst, drinking as a crutch, vague suicidal thoughts

What's one of the things you miss most about him? )

Jan. 6th, 2019



WHO: Lucy and Olive
WHEN: Day 3, afternoon
WHERE: The beach
SUMMARY: Meeting up with Lucy to hang out to chat and drink
WARNINGS: N/A for now

Lucy was family to Olive )

Jan. 5th, 2019



WHO: Jack and Izzy
WHAT: Jack and Izzy meet again~
WHEN: Day 3
WHERE: the halls

Some part of her was telling her that something was wrong, but she wasn’t sure if she cared enough to ask. )

Jan. 2nd, 2019



Who: Lucy Maraschino
When: night of April 9, 2019
Where: The cliffs
Summary: Lucy thinks out loud
Warnings: Talks of depression and loss, feelings of hopelessness

Please...I need you. )

Jan. 1st, 2019



WHO: Jude Maraschino and Jeremiah Blake
WHERE: The cliffs, then the beach, then the hotel. Opposite of yesterday.
WHEN: Day 3, Morning
SUMMARY: Reunited and it feels so good...and then...less good.
WARNINGS: Death. Pirates. Peril. Legit horror. Like...HORROR horror.

He was there. Then he was shreds. Then he was nothing. )



WHO: Isabella Clermont.
WHEN: Mid morning, April 9th, 2019.
WHERE: Inside the hotel, then up on the seventh floor.
SUMMARY: Izzy is accepting that she's dead in a negative way.
WARNINGS: Depression, talk of being dead, feeling neglected.

She screamed until she thought her throat might burst and then she screamed again. )

- - -

Anytime after 9am/10am, guests on the seventh floor can notice the lights flickering for several minutes as if they might go out completely. If they have noticed the paintings/plants, etc, on that floor at all prior to that morning, they could certainly see some new additions. Slight scratches. Some shredded leaves. A toppled vase. Nothing is broken or really harmed, but if you're looking for changes, you'll find them.

Dec. 31st, 2018



WHO: Brooke Kingman and Max Kingman.
WHEN: Wednesday, April 13th, 2016.
WHERE: Telephone conversation.
SUMMARY: Max calls home to ask his mom for her help to go home, but she convinces him to stay.

Have you ever had a feeling, like in the pit of your stomach, where you just know something is wrong? )



WHO: Hope Llancaster and Isabella Clermont.
WHEN: Early morning, April 9th, 2019.
WHERE: Outside of the hotel on the way back toward Shipwreck Cove.
SUMMARY: Hope and Izzy briefly talk about what happened to them. Izzy's realizing that she's actually dead.
WARNINGS: Depression, talk of loss, feels.

No one’s going to take care of her if I don’t go back. )

Dec. 23rd, 2018



WHO: Jack and Wes
WHAT: Jack sees Wes again and blames him for his death
WHEN: Day 3
WHERE: The halls heading towards the lobby
WARNINGS: Language, angst, anger

his first instinct was relief, happiness at seeing a familiar face, but then something inside of him hardened. )

Dec. 20th, 2018



WHO: Asher Montgomery and Justice Llancaster.
WHEN: April 9th, 2019. Day 3. Morning.
WHERE: Justice’s Hotel Room.
SUMMARY: Ash takes Justice breakfast in an attempt to apologize for their fight the previous night. Justice's dog obviously loves Ash. Ash is briefly Leslie Knope.
WARNINGS: Language. Mention of Russ, ew. Otherwise, pretty chill!

You could call him Sir Francis Bacon. Smart and tasty. )



WHO: Hope and Sally
WHERE: The Beach
WHEN: Backdated to Day 1
SUMMARY: The girls try to figure out what is going on. Sally's exit, Day 1.

She knew Teddy too well, and it wasn't like him to make up weird crap. )



Flash Reactionary - April 9th, 2019; 5:30 am-7:00 am.

On April 9th, 2019, very early in the morning, WES ATWOOD stumbled his way to SERENITY BAY where he curled up in the sand and fell asleep, unknowingly blanketed by BROOKE KINGMAN-CLERMONT.

VOLUNTEER ONE notices his shirt and shoes further up along the beach and decides to take those things back to him. They leave him undisturbed because he doesn't seem like he's in any particular danger.

VOLUNTEER TWO is just there to see the otters. A half-naked man to take a selfie with is just a humorous bonus. VOLUNTEER THREE is frustrated that some drunk person is sleeping on the beach and LOUDLY comments that they will be alerting security. VOLUNTEER FOUR is tasked with heading back to the hotel to let someone know.

SYDNEY CUBB is familiar with Wes and wakes him up before security gets there so that he can avoid trouble.

Anyone can take a volunteer spot, but you're not limited to them in how you react.



WHO: Sydney Cubb and Wesley Atwood.
WHEN: Late night on April 8th, 2019 into early morning April 9th, 2019.
WHERE: This is a dream that moves from IUP to Boston to Connecticut.
SUMMARY: Wes is dreaming about what he wishes would happen.
WARNINGS: Depression, talk of loss, feels.

You haven’t even started facing your loss, Wes. You pressed pause when they died, and there’s no future in that. )



WHO: Wesley Atwood, unknowingly accompanied by Jude Maraschino.
WHEN: Late night on April 8th, 2019 into early morning April 9th, 2019.
WHERE: Hotel property and then onto Serenity Bay.
SUMMARY: Wes talks to plants until he gets to the beach and talks to Jude. Jude tries to interact with Wes and can't, but listens to everything he says.
WARNINGS: Depression, talk of loss, alcohol use, feels.

It’s been three years and I thought that over time, things would get easier. )

Dec. 19th, 2018



WHO: Jack and Izzy
WHAT: Izzy propositions Jack, scandal!
WHEN: 2016
WHERE: the pool
WARNINGS: none really

How many other girls have you been affiliating with on Hamnet Island? )

Dec. 16th, 2018



WHO: Jude Maraschino and Jeremiah Blake
WHEN: Day 2, Late Afternoon
WHERE: The hotel. Then the Beach. Then the cliffs.
SUMMARY: The boys try to wake up from their dream.
WARNINGS: Denial, spookiness and death

It's totally the clams. )



flash reactionary, april 08, 11:30 p.m.

At around 11:30 p.m., IAN FLETCHER and TEMPERANCE LLANCASTER could be heard drunkenly singing songs loudly and very off-key as they walked from the Castaway bar to the seventh floor. Their arms are around each other and Temperance and Ian both have big grins on their faces. The two seem completely unaware of anything else in their surroundings as they sing to and with each other.

Except when they are on the stairs (because Ian is not taking another elevator) and stop for a few minutes to experiment with the echo.

And whenever they bump into the various objects (or people) on the way to their end destination.

Occasionally, the two of them stop to have a short conversation that ultimately ends with one or both of them laughing and leaning into each other. And then laughing more because they just remembered what was funny again. And then laughing even more because it didn't stop being funny.

In addition to the singing, at one point, Ian and Temperance could be seen dancing with each other on the second landing.

When they reached the fourth floor, a member of the hotel staff confronted them. Before the staff member could tell them to be quiet, Ian and Temperance made a break for fifth. They didn't make it.

From the fifth to seventh floors, they could be heard giggle-whispering until they reached seventh and started singing again.

On the seventh floor, Temperance and Ian lingered outside the door to Ian's hotel room for a bit, before disappearing into Ian's room for the rest of the night.

Any ghosts are welcome to have been walked-through by the pair. The tipsy zigzag pattern of their movement covered a lot of ground.

Any other character reactions welcome.

Dec. 15th, 2018



Flash Reactionary - April 8, 11:30pm

Even though Sydney Cubb had returned the key Milo Spatters surreptitiously slipped her way, she had no intention of leaving the east hall alone after only one short visit. At 11:30pm, she quietly stepped into the hall from her room, carrying with her a rather full-looking bag and all the unshakeable resolve she could muster. The hallway was bright as ever, and she expected nothing less, but Sydney was pleased to find it empty as she drew closer to the barricade she'd crossed earlier that day. She noticed almost immediately that the chair she'd used to climb over the barrier had been pushed back to its original seating area, but that wasn't much of a concern. The plush carpeting would mask the sound of moving furniture.

She left her bag by the locked door. Sydney could've picked the lock— the lockpicking set Nick had gotten her ages ago was of course in her bag — but she didn't want to risk scratching the keyhole. Not if it would draw unwanted attention. Jumping the wall was the smarter move again, and so Sydney went to push back one of the armchairs, trying to keep the process as quiet as possible.

Just as she was lining the chair firmly up against the door, Sydney heard a noise behind her and glanced over her shoulder, noticing Zoe Kingman standing in the hall. Surprised, but undeterred, Sydney said "Hold on," before climbing over the plywood wall much as she had earlier, easing herself down for a softer landing. She unlocked the door from the ruined side of the hall, stepping out to push the chair aside and grab her bag. "If you're coming, best be quick and quiet. We're not supposed to be here," she said.

The door was open just long enough for Zoe and Sydney to step into the dark, dusty hall, unaware that Max Kingman and Blaze Cubb had followed them as well.



WHO: Ian Fletcher and Sydney Cubb
WHEN: April 8, after the tours, around 430pm
WHERE: The elevators
SUMMARY: Sydney has feelings. They coincide with the elevator temporarily getting stuck. We all feel bad for Ian in this situation.
WARNINGS: None, unless sobbing blonde girls make you squeamish

His heart wasn't the kind of heart that broke. Ian's heart was the kind of heart that brittled. )

Dec. 13th, 2018



WHO: Jack and Hope
WHAT: Jack tells Hope she’s dead
WHEN: Day 2, evening
WHERE: the halls
WARNINGS: language, talk of death. Jack is a massive douche

Who just sat on the ground and told people that they were dead? )